Tutorial: Nesiem vám noviny by Alexander Moyzes
This song is a part of the freely available online choral tutorial library with music from Slovak composers. It was created with the support of Slovak Arts Council (Fond na podporu umenia).
Basic information about Nesiem vám noviny
Composer: Alexander Moyzes
Description: Christmas carol
English name: I Bring You Good News (translation of all lyrics can be found in the bottom part of the page)
Tutorial recordings for Nesiem vám noviny
- recordings and lyrics for sopranos
- recordings and lyrics for altos
- recordings and lyrics for tenors
- recordings and lyrics for basses
The performance is in the prescribed tempo, recorded by members of the Technik STU Choir. If you are interested in singing with the Technik STU choir, consider joining us.
Common lyrics of Nesiem vám noviny with an English translation
Nesiem vám noviny: počúvajte!
I bring you good news: listen up!
Z betlémskej doliny, pozor dajte!
It’s from the Valley of Bethlehem, hear me!
Čujte ich pilne, sú neomylné, rozjímajte.
Listen carefully; they are very true, let them sink in.
Syna nám zrodila čistá Panna,
The pure Virgin gave birth to a Son
v jasličky vložila Krista Pána
and put our Lord, the Christ, in a cradle.
K sebe vinula a zavinula, požehnaná.
She held him close and wrapped him in cloth, bless her.
Ku nemu anjeli letia z neba,
The angles are flying toward him from the sky,
pastieri veselí ho velebia,
the merry shepherds are singing his praise.
privítajme ho Pána to svojho, ako treba.
let us welcome him, our dear Lord, as we all should.