Sing with us!

recruiting 2016Technik choir is opening doors for all who would like to sing in Bratislava. We are a multilingual community which has included already members from countries like Spain, South Africa, USA and many others. Most of us are Slovaks and we all know that the choir is not only about singing but also about possibility to become part of new community and discover new places and cultures.

During start of the season we have open rehearsals (Sep 26, Sep 29, Oct 3 and Oct 6), this  means that everyone who is thinking about singing is always welcome (even if a potential singer is not sure he really want it). Some of us came just because we were curious, but it changed our lives.

We are mostly between 20-40 years and our repertoire includes pieces from old music to contemporary. This season we are preparing (besides others) for concert tour in Israel as well as German requiem from Johannes Brahms with Symphonic orchestra and best soloists‘ acting in Slovakia. Our rehearsals are on Mondays and Thursdays (19:00-21:00) close to the city centre in the building of Slovak University of Technology (it is not small complex but we will be there and you will not be alone 🙂

  • What? Opportunity to become a choir member
  • When? Mon: Sep 26, Thu: Sep 29, Mon: Oct 3 and Thu: Oct 6
  • What time? New commers should come at 6:45 PM
  • Where? Slovak Univerity of Technology in the building at Imricha Karvaša street, Bratislava (close to the Slovak radio – upper pyramide building)
  • What to do? Come, introduce yourself, listen and after or even before rehearsal to sing something for the conductor (be relaxed, no stress 🙂 )
  • Some additional questions? Do not hesitate to contact us at:; +421 903 827 371; or just ask some of your friends if he/she knows someone from Technik Choir
  • Some advice? Before you come make sure that someone from us can help you if you are lost (better to send email with contact, that you plan to come)