Alto tutorial for Vselennaja veselitsja by Peter Rezník

The Vselennaja veselitsja song learning material for the alto vocal group is a part of the freely available online choral library with music from Slovak composers. It was created with the support of Slovak Arts Council (Fond na podporu umenia).

In addition to the tutorial recordings for altos (found below), we include the lyrics of the alto group with their pronunciation. These can be found in the bottom part of the page.

Alto tutorial for song Vselennaja veselitsja

The performance is at a slower tempo (to make it easier to learn voice parts), recorded by members of the Technik STU Choir. If you are interested in singing with the Technik STU choir, consider joining us.

Alto in the foreground

Alto 1
Alto 2

Recording of all voices without altos

All voices together

Alto lyrics and pronunciation for Vselennaja veselitsja

Original text transcribed using the International Phonetic Alphabet.

Vselennaja veselitsja
fsɛlɛnaja vɛsɛlitsja

Boh ot Ďivy dnes rodivsja.
bɔɦ ɔd ɟivɨ dnɛs rɔdifsja 

vselennaja veselitsja
fsɛlɛnaja vɛsɛlitsja

Boh ot Ďivy dnes rodivsja.
bɔɦ ɔd ɟivɨ dnɛs rɔdifsja 

Vo vertepi mež bydľati,
vɔ vɛrtɛpi mɛʒ bɨdʎati 

Isusovi poklon dati,
isusɔvi pɔklɔn dati 

tri cari cari prichoďat. ďat.
tri t͡sari t͡sari prixɔɟat ɟat 

a Anhely sja poklaňajut
a anɦɛlɨ sja pɔklaɲajut

Slava vo vyšňich spivajut.
slava vɔ vɨʃɲix spivajut 

Naroždenomu Carevi
narɔʒdɛnɔmu t͡sarɛvi

vselennoji Hospodevi
fsɛlɛnɔji ɦɔspɔdɛvi

Bohovi vo jasľach
bɔɦɔvi vɔ jasʎax

Ščoby zvolil mir nam dati
ʃt͡ʃɔbɨ zvɔlil mir nam dati

smutok v radosť zamiňati
smutɔk v radɔzɟ zamiɲati

á  vo neho
aː  vɔ nɛɦɔ

Further help, notes on pronunciation and English approximations of the sounds can be found in this Wikipedia article.